Responsible Gambling

At Country Club Tasmania we like guests to have a great time enjoying our Launceston casino facilities; however, no matter how successful you may be at playing games that require skill or chance, unless you manage your money well, you can still end up spending more than your budget.

We practice responsible gaming at Country Club and as our guests we encourage you to manage your gambling expenditure to ensure both enjoyment and safety, and provide some suggested guidelines for your benefit:

  • Never gamble with borrowed money
  • Work out your weekly or monthly recreation spending budget and stick to it
  • Only spend what you can afford
  • Never increase your bet when losing
  • If you must increase your bets, do so only when winning

Gambling harm minimisation | Treasury and Finance Tasmania.

The Self Exclusion Program

Country Club Tasmania encourages people who have acknowledged that they have a gambling problem to use our Self Exclusion Program. If you would like to make use of our program please just ask the friendly team at the Federal Rewards Desk for more information.

Some other options – free confidential assistance, support & counselling

Gambling Help Line – 1800 858 858
Anglicare Tasmania – 1800 243 232
Relationships Australia – 1300 364 277

Remember – the first step in fixing any problem is making the decision to do so.