Sales Agreement

Terms and Conditions

1. Pricing
Based on this agreement the Customer agrees the above charges are the minimum cost to host the Event.

Please note:
• The charges and prices provided are correct at the time of writing and are subject to change.
• The Property may increase charges and prices at any time subject to a 30-day notice period due to changes in, or imposition of, government charges, taxes or any reasonable increase in direct costs.
• Additional charges may be incurred and added to the Total Estimated Charges in accordance with this Agreement.

Deposits and Other Payments
• The Customer must pay the amounts in accordance with the Deposit Schedule provided in this Agreement.
• An invoice will be issued to the Customer with the Event and Accommodation agreed payment method. The Customer agrees to cover all and any surcharges advised due to their choice of payment method.

2. Cleaning
General and normal cleaning is included in the use of our facilities. Additional charges may be incurred in instances where an Event has created cleaning requirements that are reasonably considered by the Property to be over and above normal cleaning.

3. Facilities unavailable: responsibility where facilities become unavailable
Should the Property be unable to provide the facilities reserved due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, no further claim, other than entitlement to a refund of amounts paid, may be made. The Property will use its best endeavours to provide reasonable notice if the facilities become unavailable.

4. Liquor Licence / Licensed Premises
Under the Liquor Licensing Act 1990 (Tas), the Property is required to ensure that where patrons consume alcohol, they do so responsibly.

The sale, service or supply of alcohol will only be conducted by Property employees that hold the relevant Responsible Service of Alcohol qualification; and the sale, service or supply of alcohol will be conducted in accordance with the conditions of sale permitted by the Liquor Licence (and any applicable special permits) held by the Property.

At licensed premises:
Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to:

• enter or remain in prohibited licensed areas; or

• enter or remain in restricted licensed areas, except:
a) to have a meal; or
b) in the company of a responsible adult.

• Where your Event Venue is at a premises that includes gaming areas, the Gaming Control Act 1993 (Tas) provides that:
Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to:
1) enter or remain in prohibited gaming areas; or
2) gamble in restricted gaming areas (e.g., standalone TASkeno terminals).

• Persons registered on the Tasmanian Gambling Exclusion Scheme are not permitted to:
1) enter or remain in prohibited gaming areas if they have a gambling activities exclusion; or
2) enter or remain on premises if they have a venue exclusion.

5. Insurance and Damage
The Property does not take responsibility for any damage or loss of items not in our direct control before, during or after an Event, except to the extent that the relevant loss or damage is caused by the negligence or default of the Property. We suggest that the Customer arrange adequate and appropriate insurance cover for valuable items.

The Customer must not attach banners, signs, posters, or any materials to any wall surface either within the venue or environs of the Property.

The Customer must hold adequate personal and public liability insurance coverage for the Customer and its employees, agents, delegates, guests, invitees or contractors while onsite. A Certificate of Currency must be provided to the Property upon request.

The Customer is responsible for and agrees to indemnify the Property against any loss, claim, liability (including any loss or damage to property, injury to or death of any person), damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred by the Property, and any claims, actions or demands by any person arising from or in connection with:
i. the use of any function spaces, facilities, or equipment by the Customer or its employees, agents, delegates, guests, invitees or contractors;
ii. any unlawful or negligent act or omission by the Customer or its employees, agents, delegates, guests, invitees or contractors in or at the Property’s premises;
iii. The Property doing anything which:

a. it is permitted or required to do pursuant to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, or
b. the Customer must do pursuant to the Agreement but has not done; or

iv. any breach by the Customer or its employees, agents, delegates, guests, invitees or contractors of any terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, but except to the extent that any costs, loss, liability, damage, expense or claim is caused or contributed to by any act or omission of the Property, its employees, contractors or agents.

This indemnity survives the termination (for any reason) or expiry of this Agreement.

6. The Customer’s Property
Deliveries to the Property must be advised to the Event Consultant, prior to the delivery, or at a previously agreed timeframe and must be clearly labelled to the attention of the Event Consultant and delivered to the Property Loading Bay or to Guest Services for hand-delivered items.

The Customer must arrange for their property to be removed no later than 48 hours after the completion of the Event. Goods left at the Property’s premises after 48 hours will be deemed abandoned unless prior notice has been provided.

7. Behaviour and Security
Please discuss any security needs with the Property as our standard security may not cover the Customer’s requirements. Should it be considered reasonably necessary, the Property will organise additional security and charges will apply.

The Customer is responsible for ensuring that all attendees behave in an orderly manner whilst on the Property’s premises. Property staff may require a person to leave the premises or may close an Event if reasonable requests are not followed or if they reasonably consider that the behaviour or actions of attendees are disorderly or interfere with or endanger other attendees, patrons, guests or staff.

In such circumstances, the Customer acknowledges that they remain responsible for all charges detailed in this Agreement and that no credit or rebate will be made by the Property for an earlier than-scheduled function close, due to attendees being disorderly or interfering with or endangering other attendees, patrons, guests or staff.

8. Advertising and Media
The Customer must gain prior written permission from the Property to use the Property’s name and/or logo, in all forms of print media or media of any kind. Any proposed artwork must meet style guide criteria and written approval must be obtained from the Property prior to publication.

Notification must be made prior to any media personnel arriving on-site and note that any filming on-site must first be approved by the Property.

9. Additional Services
The Property will be pleased to arrange a variety of additional services with third-party suppliers or contractors upon request such as entertainment, decorations, flowers etc. however any contractual arrangements that are entered into by the Customer with any third-party supplier will be the Customer’s responsibility.

10. Privacy / Personal Information Notification Statement
The Property is part of the Federal Group, and the Federal Group will, in respect of personal information held in connection with this Agreement:
• comply with the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and other legislation regarding privacy in force from time to time that is applicable to the Customer or Federal Group;
• use the personal information only for or in connection with the purposes of this Agreement; and
• not disclose personal information without written authority except for the purposes set out in this Agreement and for the purpose of fulfilling our obligations under this Agreement or as required by law.

Federal Group’s Privacy Policy can be viewed at

11. Work Health and Safety
The Customer acknowledges and agrees, that the Customer and all of its employees, delegates, invitees, guests or contractors, must comply with all applicable legislative requirements in relation to Workplace Health and Safety at all times, while at the Property.

This includes, but is not limited to the following obligations:
• prior to the Event Date, all portable electrical equipment to be brought on-site must be tested and tagged; and
• prior to commencing work, all contractors, subcontractors, and production companies must undergo an online induction process and an on-site specific induction with the Property staff. Self-registration of these companies and individuals for the online induction should occur well prior to arriving on-site and is available at any time by accessing our registration site at Federal Group – Online Training – Online Training Portal (

12. Civil Liabilities for Guests Property
The Property is not liable for the loss, destruction or damage of, or, to, property belonging to guests on their premises unless such property has been lodged expressly for safe custody, or, has been lost, damaged or destroyed due to some negligence or deliberate or reckless act or default of the Property – Civil Liabilities Act 2002 (Tas), section 49A.

13. Force Majeure
The performance of this Agreement by either party is subject to unforeseen acts of God, war, government regulations, disaster, civil disorder, fire, flood, or other emergencies, making it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible to conduct this Event. It is provided that this Agreement may be terminated for any one or more of such reasons by written notice from one party to another. In no event shall the Property be liable for consequential damages of any nature, for any reason, whatsoever.